Python in production

Quite a few studios nowadays have teams dedicated to the construction and setup of pipeline tools. One of the most versatile programming tools used in these cycles is Python.

Python is an object oriented programming language which is quite accessible to both novice and experienced coders alike. Its strenght can be listed as having:
  • very clear, readable syntax
  • strong introspection capabilities
  • intuitive object orientation
  • natural expression of procedural code
  • full modularity, supporting hierarchical packages
  • exception-based error handling
  • very high level dynamic data types
  • extensive standard libraries and third party modules for virtually every task
  • extensions and modules easily written in C, C++ (or Java for Jython, or .NET languages for IronPython)
  • embeddable within applications as a scripting interface

I have met quite a few TDs who are making the jump into learning Python.
But it can be quite frustrating to learn a new language by going through pages and pages of documentation, especially when you just really need basic punctuation and conditional forms or basic commands. If you know some other languages and, as a matter of fact, even if you do not, these few PDFs can be a time saver:


